Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Take Off Tuesday

We're enjoying a Take Off Tuesday today. We've intentionally pushed away stress and unwarranted activity from our day. Not doing much more than talking, laughing, and enjoying time with our daughter in this historic city.

I've been surfing the net, Twittering, doing personal research, drinking Tim Horton's coffee (double/single!) and contributing to some of the sites I frequent as a member/contributor. I never get to do this, quite like this, while in work mode.

God knew what He was doing when He rested on the 7th Day and encouraged us to do the same. Rest and relaxation settles the mind for creativity devoid of the pressure wrought by calendar and clock, reinforces the mind for creative response to all of life as it shows up, and infuses the spirit with life-giving space for reflection and renewal. Even my Bible reading is different in this particular modality.

Now, how to transfer this experience to the work-a-day world I live in most of the time.

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