Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Ridge Road Wesleyan!

The snow is softly falling upon my window sill and the weather people are telling me that more snow may be in the forecast for the days leading up to the celebration of our Savior’s birth.

We are nearing the six month mark since we crossed the mountain to become a part of your family. These months have been rich as we have gotten to know you and have served as your leaders, shepherds, and friends. The relationship that is being formed between us is from God, as He most certainly led us here, and He has been active in melding our hearts to beat as one for our church, the lost of our community and the millions of souls around the globe who right now live without the knowledge of why we’re celebrating Christmas or the significance of the manger in tiny Bethlehem. It is for them that we give our hearts and lives in communicating God’s love during this wonderful season of the year and it is for you that we labor tirelessly so that we might present you as spiritually mature followers of the Lamb before whose throne we all will one day stand.

These six months have been full of focused activity as we have sought and found God’s Mission and Vision for our church and as we have begun to embrace the five Core Values that guide us in the activities that fill our church calendar. We are sharing our faith more, we are inviting more, we are giving more, we are creating more, and we love one another more. All this so that Jesus will be seen in us, and that through us, He will touch Queensbury and beyond with His love. Thank you for all you’re doing to make our church a spiritual haven for everyone around us.

We will not be traveling this Christmas season. Rosalie is now a permanence resident of these United States and we would rather jump off Glens Falls Bridge in a straight jacket than travel to Canada again so soon. Our daughter, Naomi, will be with us from December 23-26th and we will thrill to spend time with her. Ryan and Sarah and baby Michal will be in Canada for Christmas as he is pastoring in Hartland, NB, and cannot get away. They will be flying out to Seattle in January to see his parents and to introduce our granddaughter to his side of the family. Dad and Nan will be with us Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and we’ll gather with other family members for dinner on the 25th.

For a man who spends his days and nights communicating with words, I find a lump in my throat as I try to find just the right words to share with you my deep and abiding love for what God has given us at Ridge Road. Your many thoughtful remembrances, your cards, your kind words of appreciation, and the hours we spend interacting with one another in ministry has made you much more than a congregation or job assignment to me. You are my brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and fathers, and friends - all because of the faith given us by God’s Holy Spirit that is being strengthened by the many experiences we’re sharing together in life. You are my joy this Christmas season and I am honored to be called “Pastor!”.

A Very Merry Christmas to You,

Pastor Dean and Rosalie Brown

Ridge Road Church: A Spiritual Haven in Queensbury and Beyond!

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